Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Truly Wild" Check List for May 26, 2012

The weather prediction for Saturday, May 26 for the first in the 4 (possibly 5) part series of "Truly Wild"  is for near 80 and partly cloudy. Be prepared with sunscreen and bug repellant!  You should also bring:

  • A reuseable cup, spoon, fork and plate
  • Camera
  • Notebook and pencil
  • Water bottle

"Spring" weather arrived very early this year with a winter that was almost snow-less and a week of 80 degree weather that shortened Maple sugar season to a mere 2 1/2 weeks. It was so warm that I found dandelions in protected areas popping up in early April.  Typically, they are still under some melting snow and in ground that is still very much frozen at that time.

Dandelion Fritters from freshly picked blossoms are usually on the menu for the first session, but most of the spring flower heads are now going to seed. Don't worry, there will be many other dandelion treats including jelly, and bread made with dandelion flower flour.  Homonyms anyone?

We will prepare a salad using dandelion, violet, sheep and wood sorrel, purslane, chickweed, plantain and whatever other gifts from nature that we find. Additional greens will come from my cold framed, totally organic greens garden.

I am also very happy to say we have a fairly large group! I will be using a portable PA system so everyone can hear and so I don't lose my voice.

See you Saturday,
Pat Banker

Home office phone: 518-327-3457
Paul Smiths, NY
4H Youth Program
Cornell Cooperative Extension  office phone: 518-483-7403
355 West Main St.
Malone, NY 12953

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Truly Wild Program Dates for 2012!

I am looking forward to a third year of sharing the fun of learning about foraging and wild edibles!

View from Heaven Hill Farm
Fields and Forest to explore for wild foods!
 This is open to youth from all surrounding counties and summer visitors. Adult volunteers are also welcomed!

‎"Truly Wild" Discover wild foods, their culinary uses and medicinal use history. This unique, very hands on, wild edible identification program is for youth ages 6-19 will be held over the 2012 foraging season at Heaven Hill Farm and Cornell Uhlein Maple Plantation in Lake Placid, NY. Dates are:Saturday, May 26, June 30, July 28, and August 25. Start time is 1:00 pm. All youth are required to have an adult chaperone. There is a one time fee of $10 per participant. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required. Instructor is Pat Banker from Cornell Cooperative Extension Franklin County 4H Youth Program. Pre-register by calling 518-327-3457. Or by calling the Cornell Cooperative Extension Office-518-483-7403

If you have participated in the past and have missed a month, please feel free to join us! Please make sure call to register so that I  have enough supplies on hand.